Jag är en fascinerande snubbe!
Meddelande på bilddagboken -
"Hey!I was checking 'round this site, and i stumbled on your profile. You look like you're a rather fascinating dude, but i'm kinda inexperienced at this sorta thing, & dont know what's going on around here. Don't they have some sort of chat thing here?? Well, i hate writing messages to ppl, and maybe never receiving anything back! Anyways, if you wanna chatting with me, you could find me over @ http://www.date-jump.org?id=5530&profile=gumdrop32 , my name over there is gumdrop32.So, ya, hope to meet up with you there. I'm always looking to find more ppl.Lawana Giacomelli"

Skönt med lite datereklam på bilddagboken så här på randen till 2010. På tal om det så vill jag önska er alla en god fortsättning och gott nytt år.
"Hey!I was checking 'round this site, and i stumbled on your profile. You look like you're a rather fascinating dude, but i'm kinda inexperienced at this sorta thing, & dont know what's going on around here. Don't they have some sort of chat thing here?? Well, i hate writing messages to ppl, and maybe never receiving anything back! Anyways, if you wanna chatting with me, you could find me over @ http://www.date-jump.org?id=5530&profile=gumdrop32 , my name over there is gumdrop32.So, ya, hope to meet up with you there. I'm always looking to find more ppl.Lawana Giacomelli"

Skönt med lite datereklam på bilddagboken så här på randen till 2010. På tal om det så vill jag önska er alla en god fortsättning och gott nytt år.
Postat av: apa
Postat av: apa
Jag fick också! Fast bruden som mailade mig var liiite snyggare än din!